Tuesday, July 3, 2018


It has been six year sense this trip of daily pain
People accuse me of BS'n in my life

Who know nothing of my start
Being active and strong was my common place

Once you struggle to sleep and feel pain when you open heavy doors
Things change drastically before you can truly understand it

Opening a jar of Jam became too difficult and would often make me cry
Cold air from the AC can make shoulders shake and thighs quake

Every muscle gets tight, suffocated by nerves that know not how to react
Confused about what is going on, the crazy weather does not help

No one understands and just compares my pain to theirs
In 70 degree weather if the wind is blowing, I surely carry a sweater

Every restaurant I decide to go in, I pray that I am not frozen to death
While others laugh and enjoy their meal, I quiver in displeasure

Attempting to ignore the signs of my illness and not draw attention to myself
I hate lying EVERY SINGLE DAY about how I feel

Fabricating messages of happiness to attract people to me
Never wanting to shove away those who could possibly help

Ironically, they can only assist me if I am in a "good" mood
Being positive is important to people in higher places

So I am forced to lie in order to please you and gain what is needed
Or I will get it no other way

Bending over to kiss behinds, when I strain to get back into standing regularly
Jokes on me, egos are boosted and mine is walked over

Be humble, don't put your pain on display
It makes others feel comfortable and resembling joy

While I suffer in this glass hell that others put me in
Smiling on dates, when I want to grimace

What man wants to deal with my physical depletion
Mental disparities, when I pause out of necessity

I despise each initial description of what my skin feels like
In detail, giving the steps of my mental and emotional stagnation

It's not my fault, or maybe it is...
I know I did not ask for this, but you treat me as if I did

- D.Y.M. Original