Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Uneven Exchange

(From "The Secrets of Enchantment")

Handsome, tall, strong and his vocabulary is long
A face that a mother would brag about
Sweat glistens off his skin as he works out in the gym
And all your thoughts are in a haze
Fawn over this man who was so skillfully made
Every muscle like it was chiseled by the master mason himself
She walks, so gracefully her movements persuade thee
Her eyes, so beautiful her gaze entraps you
Curves so fine like sand paper smoothed it
Skin soft, lips full, she’s kissed by the sun
The aroma of her is the sweetest, ever present in the air
This woman is the epitome of every fantasy
Shiny and New, with all the space you can ask for
It’s quick with bells and whistles and so many tricks
Leather and Heated seats with a system that’s pumping
Everything you fantasize about, all that you desire
Your wants, Needs and wildest dreams
Can come true if you just release your soul to me
I can be your, everything
There is nothing better than this bliss
Money, Cars, Women… Love, Security, Stability
Money, Cars, Women… Love, Security, Stability
Isn’t that what you want?
What more can you ask for?
This Is It! All the world’s spoils are here for you
The world is at your fingertips and everything in it
Forget about everyone else, it’s about you
What do you want? What do you desire?
It can all be yours
Just sign your name on the dotted line

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Thoughts continue

What is the problem with your husband having a "man cave"?
Every man should have their own personal place within the home. When the men become annoying during a conversation or activity, the men should  be able to retreat to a place that is their own, where he will feel comfortable and can relax. When they come out of the sanctuary allotted for them, moods should be elevated.

A. Woman should also have their own sanctuary within the home, where she can retreat to when stressed. A moment of solitude may be needed for clarity so allow the men to have the same. A woman may be able to find solace in the beauty salon, shopping or an individual activity. Solace is found in another place than the home, so do not be surprised when the man goes outside of the home to do the same. However, the place he chooses may not be favorable. The "man cave" for him and sanctuary for her, being placed within the home will allow for growth of comfort when dealing with issues inside of the home and finding comfort from spouse/family.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Start of Fibromyalgia

All These Dr.s and NO HELP!

For over 10 years chronic back pain has been an issue, and two years ago the stressful journey begin to relieve this pain. Every Dr. asks the same question: "What is the cause of the pain?" Honestly, the cause of the pain is uncertain, but the pain is very real and DAILY. Over the counter pain pills might as well be a joke, none of them relieve the pain, not even temporarily. Prescription pills may work the first few days then, the pain is back to normal. What also makes the prescription drugs annoying are the side effects, including but not limited to; sluggishness, night sweats, increased heart rate, headaches/migraines and nausea. Some of the Opioids are so OVERWHELMING that basic daily functions are difficult and having clear conversations are tough. The body seems to reject the prescription pills, but the Dr.s keep prescribing more. Appointments to the Chiropractor has helped temporarily, but when the pain returns it is MUCH worse.

An acupuncturist suggested that there may be reason to be tested for Fibromyalgia, because the pain begins in the lower back area and spreads to the upper body and limbs, especially at night. An appointment has not been set to be tested for Fibromyalgia, but it soon will be. The common irritant is the tightness/tension in the muscle tissue, as it is consistent and daily. Randomly the pain will be so horrible, that getting out of bed is difficult and frustrating, because resting until the pain fades is a priority. There are even times where the body feels stiff and immobile. This is an EXTREMELY scary feeling. No matter how many times I tell Dr.s that Prescription pills do not help and how ORGANIC/HOLISTIC medications are a preference, they continue to IGNORE the cries.

The patient should be able to explain the issue and receive the help and medication they ask for, especially when nothing else is working. The pharmaceutical industry is really just being lead by funding and sales. The concern is no longer about the RIGHT assistance to the patient, but how many times will they go to the pharmacy to pay for pills for brief/temporary relief or pills that won't work. This is extremely frustrating, improper use of personal funds and Dr.s have become ENEMY #1. 

Today this video on youtube struck a chord: "Rick Simpson hemp oil and chronic back pain"