Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Sperm Donors

He is just a sperm donor!

While watching the Bill Cunnigham show, two woman in a committed lesbian relationship decided to become a family by selecting a man from their neighborhood to "donate his sperm." The woman who accepted the future challenges during pregnancy and birth, partook in sexual intercourse with the chosen male sperm donor to become pregnant. The soon to be mother acted on the acceptance from her wife. Both woman were given parental rights by the man in exchange for several thousand dollars by way of verbal agreement. The more dominant woman in the relationship was upset that her significant other decided to participate in physical intercourse after the birth of the child. The mother was very apologetic and did not speak much, except to mention that the betrayal of their monogamy was only superficial and lust filled. The step mother/legal maternal role model originally agreed to her wife participating in physical intercourse with this man, and allowed the possibility for her wife to be attracted to him.
It would not be a surprise if the mother is now attracted to the father and wanted to continue a physical relationship. The attraction could be his looks or the undeniable fact that he is the father of their child. After the child was born the biological father wanted to claim parental rights and was willing to pay child support, because he could not stand to lie that he had no children to another person or intimate partner. The more dominant woman angrily disagreed, and hysterically proclaimed that the man should tell people that he has no children. The most shocking reaction was that of the audience, when they cheered in support of the more dominant lesbians remarks. While the three adults may have agreed in court to sign over parental rights to the lesbian couple, the child is that of the mother and father, by blood. Legal document or not no man can deny blood.
As the man did commit to the legal agreements to loose parental rights, he can not loose his natural right. To deny any child the interaction and communication with their able mind and bodied father is not beneficial. As a future result the child may grow to resent the mother and legal guardian for separating him/her from the father. Or the other hand the child could believe that the father abandoned her/him for a check. Growing up with either thought or both could develop some insecurities that may confuse the child or stifle their growth. The lesbian couple should contemplate the benefits of including the father in on important events throughout the child's life. In the least and selfish decision that could still benefit the child, is they could contact the father to spend time with his child, all while allowing the lesbian couple valuable alone time. Every child should have the opportunity to spend time with their children, especially when the father is willing.
In a different scenario a man and woman are in a relationship, a child is born, the relationship suffers the battle begins for custody and money. The woman would most likely gain parental rights, as long as there is shelter, clothing, food and water. The mother may begin to argue for child support payments, which in some cases provide luxuries to the mother instead of necessities for the children. Some fathers may chose not to pay child support because when the child visits his home, they are provided with shelter, food, water and possibly clothes. In the fathers' opinion child support is not required because when the child is in their care, the child is well provided for.
The "rolling stones", with many children, not committing to a life long relationship with one woman, will realize their fate to die alone. Their children will live their lives searching for the affection and love they missed from their father or repeat the multiple relationship pattern, becoming afraid of commitment, uncertain of what love is and possibly feeling unworthy of love.

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