Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Thoughts continue

What is the problem with your husband having a "man cave"?
Every man should have their own personal place within the home. When the men become annoying during a conversation or activity, the men should  be able to retreat to a place that is their own, where he will feel comfortable and can relax. When they come out of the sanctuary allotted for them, moods should be elevated.

A. Woman should also have their own sanctuary within the home, where she can retreat to when stressed. A moment of solitude may be needed for clarity so allow the men to have the same. A woman may be able to find solace in the beauty salon, shopping or an individual activity. Solace is found in another place than the home, so do not be surprised when the man goes outside of the home to do the same. However, the place he chooses may not be favorable. The "man cave" for him and sanctuary for her, being placed within the home will allow for growth of comfort when dealing with issues inside of the home and finding comfort from spouse/family.

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